New Haven Youth & Family Services
Vehicle Safety
Safety and emergency preparedness are key elements in transporting our youths to educational, therapeutic, and recreational activities.
Youth being transported in a New Haven vehicle shall be under the authority of, and responsible directly to, the driver of the vehicle. It is important that youths follow the rules and the directions of the driver for the youth’s own safety and protection.
- Vehicle Rules:
- Youths may talk as long as it does not become loud, profane, disrespectful, or disruptive.
- Youths must fasten their seatbelts prior to the driver putting the van in motion.
- Youths must remain in seat with their seatbelts fastened while the vehicle is in motion and until the driver gives them permission to exit the vehicle.
- Youths are not to throw things in the vehicle or out windows.
- Youths should sit properly in the seat facing the front.
- Youths are not to reach out or lean out of window.
- Youths are not to continually adjust windows.
- Each youth is responsible for his property.
- Youths are not to engage in horseplay.
- Youths will not eat, drink, or chew gum in the vehicle.
- A youth must cooperate and fully accept the authority of the driver.
- Youths who are having difficulty following the rules during transport will be reminded by the driver of appropriate and safe behaviors during transport. Youth behavior that impedes safe operation of the vehicle by the driver will be reported to the youth’s Program Specialist in order that the behavior is addressed. A treatment team will be called if the youth’s negative behavior continues.
- Emergency Procedures Youth safety and control is best maintained by keeping youths in the vehicle during an emergency and/or impending crisis situation if doing so does not expose them to unnecessary risk or injury. A decision to evacuate should include consideration of the following conditions:
- Recognize the hazard. The decision to exit/evacuate the vehicle must be a timely one.
- Is there a fire involved?
- Is there a smell of raw or leaking fuel?
- Is the vehicle likely to be hit by other vehicles?
- Does the possibility exist that the vehicle will roll/tip, causing further threats to safety?
- Is the vehicle in direct path of a sighted tornado?
- Has there been a major earthquake creating a dangerous environment?
- Would removing youths expose them to speeding traffic, severe weather, or a dangerous environment such as downed power lines?
- Would moving youths complicate injuries such as neck, back and other fractures?
- Is there a hazardous materials spill involved? It may be safer to remain in the vehicle and not come in contact with the material.
- General procedures to follow for emergency evacuation: Keep the situation as orderly and low key as possible. If time and conditions permit, the vehicle driver should notify the principal or designee of the following:
- The exact location, including the nearest intersecting road or familiar landmark.
- The condition creating the emergency.
- The type of assistance needed (police, fire, ambulance).
- Notification that the vehicle is being evacuated.
5. Analyze conditions to determine the safest exit(s) from the vehicle. During evacuation, monitor conditions and adjust procedures to meet unexpected circumstances. The driver may have to conduct the evacuation from outside the vehicle. Move evacuated youths to the nearest safe location at least 100 feet from the vehicle. The dispersal/regrouping area must be upwind of any fire situation. After the decision to evacuate is made, take the first aid kit with you. Be prepared to give information to emergency medical personnel regarding individual youths’ medical or physical requirements.
A New Haven staff member has read and explained the New Haven Transportation Procedure to me. I understand the importance of safety and of following rules and driver’s directions.
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Youth Date